Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 6- September 15, 2011

Beginning with the end...

I took a grand total of 49 pictures today.  Some were of the town of Zermatt from above as we climbed higher and higher towards the base of the Matterhorn.  Some were of the Matterhorn itself.  It is an unique mountain...a thumb sticking out of the Alps.  It clearly looks like nothing else in the world.  Some photos were of the kids as they/we climbed back and forth along the switchbacks towards the top.  And other photos were of the glaciers and surrounding peaks...taken as I stopped with kids to catch my breath or let the lactic acid drain from my legs.  But as I reviewed the pictures, I couldn't help but be struck by a photo taken towards the end of the of the last ones taken today. This photo magically summarizes why I am here...why we are here.  My son and I are standing...smiling...embracing at the base of the Matterhorn!  What more needs to be said?  I have climbed Mont Ventoux and Col du Galibier on my bike.  And while both of those events were tougher than today's hike, none have the place in my heart like today does...simply because of a picture...because of a moment between a father and son...because we are together.  

So what's the message?  Take some photos!  Take a risk!  Be in the moment!  Smile!  Seek success!  Celebrate when you reach the summit!  Love life!

I did take 48 other pictures today.  I won't bore you with all of them.  Here are a few for you to enjoy.  In the meantime, I am done writing for the day...I want to enjoy the picture of me and my son!

A little over half way there...

No whiners and no quitters today...everyone did great!

Aren't the Swiss thoughtful...a ramp when we so desperately needed one!

The town of Zermatt as seen from a four hours and a few kilometers away!  

The Matterhorn is beautiful...please check out the following links to see and learn about what we get to see everyday!!


  1. Great pic of you and DJ. What a wonderful opportunity for all of you to share.

  2. We have to live vicariously through your family activities for now, but look forward to the day we can live our foreign adventure--a bit jealous here!
