Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Food...the good kind and catching up with fall in the Alps

Either on this forum or through emails to friends and colleagues or muttered under my breath in frustration...I have been semi-critical of some Swiss food...in particular our dinner selections.  While the food or meals look different at each meal, there is an unmistakable flavor of a 'meat', potato, and vegetable.  Invariably, the vegetable is peas...or is a vegetable melody that includes peas.  The regularity of the meal is making me highly irregular.  Where is the fiber in this country?  And don't make a comment at the end of this that fiber is in the peas.  Let me list off some other sources of fiber...lettuce, broccoli, fruit, celery, fruit, black beans, fruit, any raw vegetables, and fruit.  Peas?  We had them again tonight.  And the waiter placed them adjacent to the mash potatoes on the serving tray.  You all are a smart, perceptive audience...you know what happens when peas get rolled into mash potatoes.  Its not pretty.  By the time the second person is done serving themselves, there are exactly zero peas that have NOT made their way into the mash potatoes.  I like mash potatoes.  But its difficult to like something that may or may not contain the devil's veggie.  Imagine taking a bite out of mash potatoes and feeling something squishing between your teeth.  It might, in fact, be a pea.  Or it could be a fly or grub worm.  Who is to know?  What I do know is that peas should never be served to children in the morning, cold...as a follow-up to punishment from the night before when said child didn't eat said peas the first time.  

But all is not grim in Switzerland with respect to food.  I have tasted a number of recipes for potatoes that include cheese!  Sounds like something you'd find at the Wisconsin State Fair.  And I have found every bakery in town....and there are a few great ones. One has certainly risen to the top of my popularity list...based on presentation, customer service and prices.  I'm not even going to bore you with details...I am just going to include some photos so you can decide and so that you can be confident in knowing that I am not withering into bone and flesh.  Without further adiou...

  The top photo is of my selection...a cake that includes both pears and chocolate (leave it to a dessert to do the dirty work and get a fiber in a meal).   The rest of the photos are from various angles within the store.  If you see something you like...let me know...I will see about sending you a sample.  
Just so you know that I am not being overly dramatic...a meal from last week.  If you look closely, you will most certainly see a 'meat', a potato and a veggie.  

Fall is beginning to make an appearance here in Zermatt and the surrounding areas.  Everyday color changes can be seen in tree, grasses, hillsides and valleys.  I have been excited to see the fall changes here.  I think the change in fall colors we get every year helps to make fall my favorite season.  While I know that the intensity of the color change may not be like what is seen on the east coast, for me, there isn't a better time to be in Colorado.  Much of the same can be about Zermatt.  It has been warm...in high 60's, clear skies and colder nights.  All of the leaders and kids continue to wear shorts on their daily hikes and other afternoon activities.  

Today I joined DJ and 14 other kids for a four hour hike back to an area called Hidden Valley.  You will see in the following photos that some colors are changing, that DJ appears to be doing well and that Emme has immersed herself as much as she can into various curriculums.  I hope everyone is well....we miss you all.  Send cookies and....fiber.   Here are the pics....
 Father and son...its seems I hardly see him while we are here!

Long hikes with beautiful stops along the way...

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